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http://www.100md.com 2017年9月15日 《中国中药杂志》 2017年第18期

    [关键词]中药资源副产物; 禽畜用药; 饲料添加剂; 开发利用

    Research strategies for feed additives and veterinary medicines from
, 百拇医药
    side products of Chinese medicine resources industrialization

    ZHAO Ming1, DUAN Jinao1*, ZHANG Sen1, GUO Sheng1, SU Shulan1,WU Qinan1, TANG Yuping1, ZENG Jianguo2

    (1. Jiangsu Collaborative Innovation Center of Chinese Medicinal Resources Industrialization, National and Local Collaborative

    Engineering Center of Chinese Medicinal Resources Industrialization and Formulae Innovative Medicine, Key Laboratory of
, 百拇医药
    Chinese Medicinal Resources Recycling Utilization of State Administration of Traditional Chinese Medicine, Nanjing 210023, China;

    2. National and Local Union Engineering Research Center for the Veterinary Herbal Medicine Resources and Initiative,Hunan Agricultural University, Changsha 410128, China)

    [Abstract]The global antimicrobial resistance has been a big challenge to the human health for years It has to make balance between the safety of animal products and the use of antimicrobials in animal husbandry Any methods that can minimize or even phase out the use of antimicrobials in animal husbandry should be encouraged We herein describe the research strategies for feed additives and veterinary medicines from the side products of Chinese medicine resources industrialization Killing two birds with one stonebesides the major purposes, the rational utilization of nonmedicinal parts and wastes of industrialization of Chinese herbal medicines is also achieved under the proposed strategies.
, http://www.100md.com
    [Key words]side products of Chinese medicine resources; feed additives; veterinary medicines; development


    中草药用于禽畜疾病防治具有悠久的历史,也是支撑我国中兽药及饲料添加剂产业发展的物质基础和资源保障。近些年来,随着国内外依赖中药和天然藥物资源为原料的庞大产业集群的迅猛发展,药材生产及深加工产业化过程产生的非药用部位及副产物的生物产量高达亿吨计,未能得到有效利用,不仅造成资源的巨大浪费,且导致生态环境的严重污染[2]。因此,基于中药资源化学的研究思路与中药资源循环利用的策略路径,挖掘传统中医药用药经验,发现其应用于禽畜疾病防治的资源价值,既可促进食源性动物健康、减少抗菌素的使用,又能实现中药资源产业化过程副产物的有效利用,有效延伸资源经济产业链,必将产生良好的社会经济生态效益。据此,本文将在简述全球抗菌素耐受、抗菌素及相关植物源产品在食源性动物养殖中的应用基础上,探讨基于中药资源产业化过程副产物开发食源性动物养殖抗菌用药及饲料添加剂的策略和路径。, http://www.100md.com(赵明段金廒张森郭盛宿树兰吴启南唐于平曾建国)
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