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http://www.100md.com 2011年2月1日 沈頔,樊星,邢新,张敬德,李军辉,王晓云





    Application of subcutaneous pedicle nasolabial flap in upper lip defects repair

    SHEN Di,FAN Xing,XING Xin,ZHANG Jing-de,LI Jun-hui,WANG Xiao-yun

    (Department of Plastic Surgery,Changhai Hospital Affiliated the Second Military Medical University,Shanghai 200433,China)

    Abstract:ObjectiveTo evaluate the application of subcutaneous pedicle nasolabial flap in upper lip defectss repair.MethodsFrom June 2006 to April 2010,the subcutaneous pedicle nasolabial flap was designed to repair upper lip defect in 31 patients.The flap were designed adjacent to the defects and the incision line corresponded to the nasolabial line.We undermined the flap downwards and outwards to form a subcutaneous pedicle nasolabial flap,then Slided or rotated the flap to cover the upper lip defects.Results31 cases with upper lip defectss were repaired with subcutaneous pedicle nasolabial flap. All the flaps survived and cosmetic results were satisfactorywithout dog-ear or visible scar. ConclusionThis method is easy to perform with a high successful rate,and may be one of the most ideal methods in upper lip defectss repair.

    Key words:nasolabial flap; subcutaneous tissue pedicle flap;upper lip defectss; repair



    1.1 临床资料:本组31例,男17例,女14例,年龄31~62岁,平均年龄41岁。病因分别为:色素痣14例,肿瘤12例, 瘢痕5例。切除肿物后遗留的缺损均较大,无法直接拉拢缝合。缺损大小由2.0cm×2.0cm~4.0cm×4.5cm。

    1.2 手术方法

    1.2.1 肿物切除及皮瓣设计:在局麻或全麻下,距肿物一定距离切除肿物,切口距病变边缘的距离:色素痣为 1~2mm;基底细胞癌和鳞状细胞癌为 5~8mm,瘢痕则贴近边缘。依据面部分区及器官的亚单位分区原则设计鼻唇沟皮瓣,面积约于缺损相当,长轴与患侧鼻唇沟线方向吻合。

    1.2.2 皮瓣切取:沿设计线切开,蒂部切至真皮下而皮瓣内侧至深筋膜层。将皮瓣蒂部于皮下而皮瓣于深筋膜上锐性剥离。术中反复试验皮瓣的活动度,至皮瓣的松紧适度并能够完全覆盖缺损为宜。将皮瓣滑动或旋转覆盖缺损。5-0及7-0无损伤线分别缝合皮下及皮肤,酌情放置一至数根引流条。切口涂以抗生素软膏保护,纱布覆盖轻压包扎。于术后1~2天拔除引流, 5~7天拆线。



    3典型病例 ......
