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http://www.100md.com 2020年2月1日 《中国美容医学》 20203


    [中图分类号]R783.5 [文献标志码]A [文章编号]1008-6455(2020)03-0122-03

    Abstract: Objective The purpose of this study is to introduce the effective control of tooth torque by the vertical curved root auxiliary arch in the standard alignment of the dentition Methods 18 cases of moderate or severe crowding in the Angle's Class Ⅰwere selected with abnormal crown torque of teeth with malocclusion. In the first stage of standard square silk arch correction, the early torque control of abnormal crown torque was carried out by using the vertical curved root auxiliary arch in 18 patients. The memory model is retained before treatment, and the routine model measurement is analyzed. Results After treatment, the tooth column establishes the neutral occlusion, the target patient tooth torque control is good. Compared with conventional standard square silk arch correction, the correction period average shortened 2-3 months, followed up to 2-5 years, the therapeutic effect was stable. Conclusion In the standard square wire arch correction of the leveling stage, the use of vertical curved root auxiliary arch, aiming at abnormal crown torque teeth with malocclusion, can be a certain extent to shorten the orthodontic period, and maintain the stable effect in the later stage, and provide a new idea for the standard square wire arch correction with bracket-related vertical curved root auxiliary arch.

    Key words: standard square wire arch correction technology; early stage; vertical curved root auxiliary arch; torque control


    1 资料和方法

    1.1 临床资料:入选标准:①临床诊断为安氏Ⅰ类错牙合畸形,ANB角0~5°,上下颌相对位置正常。中度拥挤(拥挤度在6~8mm)或重度拥挤病例(拥挤度>8mm)设计拔除上下颌第一双尖牙;②牙列中存在明显异常转矩增加患牙,依手腕骨X线片判断生长发育期为生长发育高峰期或高峰前期。, http://www.100md.com(战金辉 米慧 米斐)
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