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http://www.100md.com 2010年4月5日 《中国实用医药》2010年第10期
     【摘要】 医用物理学是医药院校的基础课,随着科学技术的发展,医用物理学在生物医学方面的地位越来越重要,但是医学院校的物理教学仍然是墨守成规,科研和教学滞后于医学前沿,使学科缺乏活力,远远满足不了现代生物医学发展的需要。本文对我国目前医学院校物理教学现状和进行科研的必要性进行了剖析,并对物理教研室如何搞科研给了几点建议。

    【关键词】 医用物理; 教学; 科研

    The significance of medical physics teaching combined with scientific research

    SHEN Hong-tao,LI Rong-feng.

    College of Pharmacy,Guilin medical University,Guilin 541001,China

    【Abstract】 Medical Physics,the basic course in medical college,plays a more and more important role in biological medicine with the development of science and technology.However,the teaching contents of Medical Physics,lag behind the cutting edge of medical,remain unchanged for a long time,which can hardly satisfy the needs of modern bio-medical devolopment.In this paper,the current status of Medical Physics teaching in China and the necessity of the scientific research were analyzed,some suggestions for scientific research in Medical Physics were given.

    【Key words】 Medical;Physics;Teaching


    教学和科研是高等学校的两大基本职能,教学质量及科研水平是衡量一所高等学校的重要指标 ......

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