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http://www.100md.com 2011年1月15日 彭 慧


     【摘要】 目的 探讨0~6岁小儿神经心理发育量表(以下称儿心量表)在指导中枢协调障碍患儿康复训练中的应用,拓展该量表在儿童康复中的临床应用。方法 取两组儿各102例,A组为2006~2007年间筛选入研究的患儿,依儿心量表的具体内容指导康复训练。B组为2007~2008年间筛选的患儿,做常规康复治疗。两组患儿的年龄、性别、病情程度、每天康复训练的时间均无显著差异(P>0.05),比较两组患儿康复的时间和效果。结果 两组患儿康复的时间有显著差异(P<0.01),效果无显著差异(P>0.05)。结论 应用儿心量表指导协调障碍患儿康复训练有非常显著的临床价值。

    【关键词】 儿心量表; 康复时间; 协调障碍

    【Abstract】 Objective The study aims to explore the children who are at the aged 0~6 of years old psychological development examination table to guide the application of the zentrale koordination-storung(ZKS)children healing training. The study will help and expand the scale of children rehabilitation training. Methods 204 ZKS children were designed for two groups as random and equally. For A group, The children were suffered at 2006~2007 years, as the content of neuropsychologlical examination table for children rehabilitation guidance. For group B the children who were suffered at 2007~2008 years do regular rehabilitation. Then compare two groups of children recover time and effect. The two groups children’s age, gender, state of illness and the time of rehabilitation every day had no significant difference (P>0.05). Then the effect and time of rehabilitation were compared. Results Two groups of children showed significant difference in recovery time, but no significant difference in the effect. Conclusion The application of neuropsychologlical examination table for children ZKS rehabilitation training has significant clinical value.

    【Key words】 Neuropsychologlical, development examination table for children; Rehabilitation; Central Coordination disturbance



    1 资料与方法

    1.1 病例来源 均为我院康复中心治疗后随访的患儿均符合早期脑瘫的诊断,入选标准:①患儿有引进脑损伤的高危因素;②早期有哭闹、睡眠差、易打挺、吐奶、易憋气使劲等早期脑兴奋症状;③临床表现具备早期诊断四要素;④头颅影像学有相应改变:如脑室扩大、白质发育欠佳等。病情分度[2]:2006~2007年间筛选110例为A组,2007~2008年间筛选110例为B组。


    1.2 方法 所有患儿均为本人经手治疗,康复中心的常规训练有:PT、OT、ST、药物、高压氧、水疗、按摩、早教、感统、脑循环、神经电等,根据患儿的年龄和病情,小年龄患儿以被动活动为主,训练项目少,大年龄患儿要主动参与,训练项目多。智力落后患儿加高压氧、药物、脑循环等治疗。肌张力特高的患儿先降肌张力,后改善其运动能力。

    A组患儿:严格按照儿心量表的标准制定的训练内容选择训练项目 ......
