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http://www.100md.com 2017年11月5日 中国当代医药 2017年第31期
     [摘要]目的 评估急诊护理流程优化对急诊患者急救效果及护理满意度的影响。方法 选择2015年4月~2017年4月在我院急诊科收治的患者96例作为研究对象,根据患者入院时间将患者随机分为研究组和对照组,其中,研究组(2016年4月~2017年4月)50例应用急诊护理流程优化措施,对照组46例(2015年4月~2016年3月)应用急诊科常规护理措施,对比两组患者分诊评估时间、静脉采血时间、抢救成功率等指标。结果 研究组分诊评估时间、心电监护时间、静脉采血时间、静脉用药時间、治疗时间均低于对照组,而抢救成功率、护理满意度方面则均高于对照组,差异有统计学意义(P<0.05)。结论 急诊护理流程优化能强化急诊患者急救效果,提高护理满意度和抢救成功率,值得推荐应用。


    [中图分类号] R473.5 [文献标识码] A [文章编号] 1674-4721(2017)11(a)-0194-03

    Influence of emergency nursing process optimization on emergency efficacy and nursing satisfaction of emergency patients

    OUYANG Hua

    Department of Emergency,the Second People′s Hospital of Pingxiang City in Jiangxi Province,Pingxiang 337000,China

    [Abstract]Objective To evaluate the effects of emergency nursing process for emergency patients emergency treatment and nursing satisfaction.Methods From the emergency department of our hospital in 96 patients as the research object,the research time was from April 2015 to April 2017,according to the time of admission patients were randomly divided into study group and control group,among them,the study group (from April 2016 to April 2017) and 50 cases of application of emergency nursing process optimization measures,46 cases of the control group (from April 2015 to March 2016) the application of conventional nursing measures in emergency department,triage assessment time were compared between the two groups,the time of venous blood,rescue Success rate. Results The study group triage assessment time,ECG monitoring time,venous blood collection time,intravenous medication time and treatment time were lower than the control group,while the success rate of rescue and nursing satisfaction were higher than control group,there was statistically significant difference (P<0.05). Conclusion Emergency nursing process optimization can strengthen the emergency patients emergency treatment,improve the success the rescue and nursing satisfaction rate,worthy of recommendation.

    [Key words]Emergency care flow optimization;First aid effect;Nursing satisfaction


    1 资料与方法


    选择2015年4月~2017年4月在我院急诊科收治的患者96例作为本次研究的研究对象,根据患者入院时间将患者随机分为研究组和对照组,其中,研究组(2016年4月~2017年4月)50例应用急诊护理流程优化措施,对照组46例(2015年4月~2016年3月),研究组男29例,女21例;年龄21~79岁,平均(45.38±11.47)岁;发病至急诊时间1~18 h,平均(8.43±2.11)h,17例创伤性休克,10例农药中毒,23例急性心肌梗死。对照组男26例,女20例;年龄20~75岁,平均(45.51±10.68)岁;发病至急诊时间1~24 h,平均(9.62±3.50)h,14例创伤性休克,11例农药中毒,21例急性心肌梗死。两组患者的一般资比较,料差异无统计学意义(P>0.05),具有可比性。, 百拇医药(欧阳华)
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